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These works were part of my research during my MA course at UAL Camberwell college of Arts, The research was based on exploring the spacial and aesthetical conditions where 2 dimensional works of art, may offer a more reciprocal experience to the viewer. In order to do so, I examined printmaking and I considered the paper as part of the artwork, instead of a surface that an image will be printed on.
I made a series of screenprints and linocuts where I used the idea of the Chinese philosophy of the void in order to create events that take place in both the printed and clear areas. By events, I mean the relationship between something that is visually empty and visually full, not as a contrast but as an interactive condition where existence and non-existence can coexist. 

V. screenprint. 50x35 cm. Imp.2016

XXXI. linocut. 100x70 cm. Imp.2016

XV. linocut. 100x70 cm. Imp.2016

XLV. linocut. 100x70 cm. Imp.2016

VIII. screenprint. 100x70 cm. Imp.2016

XXVII. screenprint. 100x70 cm. Imp.2016

XLII. linocut. 100x70 cm. Imp.2016

screenprints. 50x35cm. Imp.2015, 2016

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